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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

"In an age where the pace of change is rapid and the challenges are multifaceted, the timeless principles of Dharma and Karma provide an anchor. These ancient tenets, deeply rooted in millennia of contemplation and understanding, offer profound insights that resonate even in our digital, interconnected era. As we navigate the intricacies of modern life, from ethical dilemmas in technology to global sustainability crises, Dharma reminds us of the righteousness and harmony we should aspire to, while Karma emphasizes the intricate web of cause and effect in our actions. Thus, even amidst the swirling chaos of the contemporary world, ancient wisdom emerges as a beacon, illuminating our path and guiding us towards balance, purpose, and deeper understanding."

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Karma is not a system of reward and punishment but rather a natural law that governs the universe. It emphasises that the choices we make and the actions we take, either intentionally or unintentionally, have a direct impact on our present and future lives. This belief fosters a sense of personal responsibility and accountability, as individuals are aware that their actions have consequences.

Karma is closely intertwined with the concepts of birth, death, and rebirth. The cumulative effect of one’s actions in their current and previous lives influences their future lives, determining their experiences, circumstances, and ultimate fate.

Karma in every moment of Life

“Karma” has transcended its origins and become a universal term today. However, its true essence and importance in life are often misunderstood or oversimplified. Karma dictates that every action, thought, or decision has consequences, shaping people’s lives in both tangible and intangible ways. Karma is not a system of reward and punishment but rather a natural law that governs the universe. It emphasises that the choices we make and the actions we take, either intentionally or unintentionally, have a direct impact on our present and future lives.
Karma is both cosmic order and individual responsibilities. Within this vast concept, multiple layers emerge. There’s the personal duty, which varies based on individual factors. Parallel to personal duties are universal ethical and moral principles, foundational for all humans, providing a moral compass to navigate the complexities of life. This continuum of actions and results can span multiple lifetimes, giving rise to the idea of reincarnation. Within the framework of Karma, different classifications emerge from the cumulative results of actions from past lifetimes, waiting to come to fruition to shaping life circumstances and experiences in the present and based on the present the future. Meanwhile, new actions taken in the present, which will bear results in the present and future and subsequent lifetimes, are to be taken into account.

Reincarnation, or the belief in the cycle of birth and rebirth, posits that souls are reborn in various forms, influenced by their karmic balance. One's life circumstances, challenges, and even privileges are viewed as reflections of past actions.

In practical terms, the principle of Karma acts as an ethical barometer, guiding individuals towards virtuous actions and choices. It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of life, suggesting that positive actions can pave the way for a harmonious future for oneself and the broader world.

Karma, with its emphasis on actions and consequences, finds echoes in several global philosophies and spiritual traditions. The Golden Rule, found in many religions, which states, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," can be seen as an embodiment of the principles of Karma. Actions, whether positive or negative, create ripples, affecting not just individuals but the larger community and environment.

Modern psychology also delves into concepts reminiscent of Karma. The idea that our actions, thoughts, and feelings are interconnected, and that our behaviors today are often a result of past experiences (similar to past actions), aligns with the understanding of Karma. Cognitive behavioral therapy, which seeks to change patterns of thinking or behavior to treat various conditions, can be seen as a method of addressing and resolving negative karmic patterns.

The digital age brings in another dimension to Karma. In an era of social media, every action, word, or even a tweet has immediate reactions and consequences, sometimes on a global scale. The digital footprint can be likened to a kind of digital karma, enduring and often irreversible.

Moreover, Karma's principles play a role in global movements. The emphasis on right action and just conduct resonates with movements championing human rights, equality, and environmental sustainability. The idea that we're all interconnected, and our actions today affect future generations, underpins sustainable development goals and climate action for all.


Citter’s Karmic Journey

In the science of Yoga, volunteerism is framed as a very clear practice called ‘Karma Yoga’. Karma Yoga, “service” or “devotional service,” specifically establishes that the action should be performed without any expectation for the fruit of it. That is no expectation of reward or any form of tangible benefit.

At Citter’s Karmic Journey Programme, we use the ‘Volunteering’ methods to work on one’s Karmic Journey. Karma, is dynamic concepts, evolving and adapting, yet retaining their essence. The wisdom provides a compass, guiding humanity through the maze of modern challenges, ethical dilemmas, and the quest for a balanced existence.


A human birth is a precious opportunity to learn about our ultimate destiny. Thanks to our intellectual and reasoning capacities we have been given the possibility to recognize that we are pure spirit embodied temporarily in a physical frame and capable of feeling the urgency of fulfilling the purpose for which we came to this planet. The immortality of the soul, that has gathered trough eons of time knowledge of its true nature, inspires and sustains our awareness of the reality of a spiritual world.

At some point in our existence, we realize the need to manifest our capacities for what they were intended -- the practice of unconditional love. But unconditional love is not easy to manifest, moreover conditional love is first developed and tends to grow into strong attachments that are very difficult to transcend.


Your Karmic Journey with Us.

We love to hear from you and work with you on your Karma Yoga Journey with us. This is a one of it's kind programme that works for everyone to deal with their Karmic Journey. Please mails us and let's see what we can do for you..

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