About Us
With the vantage of the Ancient Citter Tradition and healing systems practiced through centuries and its outcomes; and that we come from this ancient lineage based on its holistic approach is the core of our system of wellbeing to an individual, that we practice and give care for to people who come to us.
Our system of Health & Wellbeing is as ancient as it gets. Citters were ancient scientists, ancient mistics who understood nature and its healing properties. This system they developed offers immersive healing, and compassionately addresses physical, psychological, social, and emotional aspects of chronic ailments, addictions and co-occurring disorders.
Our care is individualised based on the individual’s condition and the outcome which we wish to achieve.

Today’s world, where chronic diseases are on the rise and healthcare systems struggle to provide effective care, it’s essential to revisit the age-old Citter wisdom that “food is medicine” – “உணவே மருந்து.”
Welcome to Citter Health & Wellness Care Kurukulam, where we delve deep into the therapeutic potential of nourishment for body, mind and Spirit.
In the healthcare and wellness landscape, dominated today by expensive treatments and patients that never seem to get better, it’s evident that something fundamental is amiss.
The truth is, the health of our bodies and minds is intricately tied to the quality of our nourishment and to nature itself. While modern medicine with artificial chemicals often overlooks the importance of nutrition. Ancient Citter Systems have long recognized the vital role of food in promoting health and preventing disease.
Therefore, discover the profound impact that using food as medicine based on the Citter System can have on your health and well-being.
At Our Care Center
We offer care for those who have chronic problems, lifestyle-related diseases on one side, and on the other, for those who are looking for detoxification, and rejuvenation with a body, mind and spirit healing process.


Our aim is to help people achieve optimal Health and Wellness by adopting a Holistic approach to Healthcare & Wellness.
Health & Wellness at It's Best