Discover the Power to a Healthy Way of Life.
Our Spiritual Community at Chidambaram is an ideal place to retire and be a part of an ancient Tamil Tradition of the Citters, their Teachings and Lifestyle Management and to invite spirituality into all areas of daily life. A Lifestyle and discipline dedicated to hight thinking and practices such as kindness, respect, and simple living.
The Citter Community

Dedicated to Spiritual Care & Wellbeing
to Citter Iravian Illam

Citter Iravian Illam at Chidambaram is being developed with a unique objective to revive the practice and teachings of the ancient Citters.
The project will be completed in 2028 &
offers numerous benefits to the chosen few that we invite to be a part of our close-knit community within a Citter 'Civa' spiritual atmosphere and environment.
Those who are interested to be a part can apply introducing yourself. If you meet the criteria and standards set, you will get an invitation to join in.
As is expected, and we are priced higher due to the exclusivity and concept of the project and the service we offer, it is exclusive and caters to a boutique living standard.
The offer is open to Foreigners, NRI's & Tamilians who are living outside India and want to have a connection with Chidambaram and the Citter System of Lifestyle.
Our Community is an International Community and is open for all who wish to follow and live in the tradition & teachings of the Citters and to have the unique opportunity to live and keep on practicing a Citter lifestyle & management in such an environment in Chidambaram - A Spiritual Centre with Civa in his Grace!

Chidambaram the Eternal Spiritual Environment
Chidambaram comes from the Tamil word Citambalam meaning "wisdom atmosphere". The roots are ‘citta’ or ‘chitthu’ meaning consciousness or wisdom while and ‘ambalam’ means "atmosphere.”
Expect nothing less than the remarkable natural atmosphere you can live in. An exquisite blend of historic relevance and an and ancient vibrant culture, Tradition and Lifestyle, quenches your soul.
Take advantage of The Citter Community supreme setting at Chidambaram available to a limited few. There will be none other like this, you can ever find in your lifetime as Chidambaram is an iconic address for your spiritual journey!
We invite you to explore the many dimensions of spirituality within the Ancient Citter System and it's practices available to our community members, residents of our community.
From independent living to higher thinking, this is a place where people explore spiritual practices and teachings, share social connectedness, fellowship, and a retirement lifestyle that gives you more of what makes life great.
Ready To Join,
Apply NOW...
Chidambaram is an iconic address. One extraordinary experience to the captivating the spiritual expertise and experience of the Ancient Citter Tradition and embrace the unique spirit of the Citter Tradition. Gain privileged insight beyond the familiar, as your life within the Citter teachings ad practices acts as consummate host and all-round expert of the exceptional.
We are a small living-in community restricted to select people only. This is not a commercial venture but a place for an individual to find themselves. Our prices are much higher being a small community to maintain the infrastructure of the community we offer on the property. It is an exclusivity factor – a boutique living standards in one’s spiritual nature.

The Citter Tradition
Encompassing all aspects of their divine insight ranging from medicine, healing, astrology, alchemy, yogam, tantram and spiritual essence, the manuscripts contain the vast array of human potential. In them lies their works on the origin of metallurgy and its various uses, the archetypal healing Gods and deities, the mysterious power spots, medicinal preparations, and the invaluable yogic insights that emerge from the mystery of the life-giving and life-taking rhythms of Nature.
Citter Teachings are a masterpiece of enlightened thinking and practices leading to a Lifestyle on one’s Spiritual Journey. A Citter is one who abides as pure consciousness, denoting one who is perfected. Existing since time immemorial they are the well spring and masters of all forms of yogam, tantram, martial arts, science, alchemy, astrology, medicine and healing. While all of pre-historic India was the land of the Tamis, the southern part of India is unique as it is here that the ancient spiritual scientists or the “Citters” of ancient Tamil Heart Lands encoded their sacred works in both esoteric poetry and by oral tradition. These Citters or spiritual scientists are known as the Tamil Citters.
In Tamil, the root word of Citter is “cit” or consciousness, thus a Citter is one who abides as pure consciousness, denoting one who is perfected.
Their hallmark is one of both extreme secrecy and profound humbleness and it is impossible for one to separate these two attributes. While greatly misunderstood throughout the ages due to these two intermingled tenets in their wisdom, teachings, methods and radiant life giving Presence remains to this day. It would be both inaccurate and disrespectful to speak or write of them in the past tense for they are truly the par excellence of Immortal Masters. The Citter lineage is the first and most ancient of lineages of pre-historic India flourishing well before the Vedic age. While many of the later traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism refer to Citters, it is the land of the Tamils, those pre-historic inhabitants of India where the original Masters, the Tamil Citters originate.
“With all my heart, I wish that in the exploration of consciousness in the mystical tradition of the Citters – are to be followed to bring a correct awareness of its evolution to the world. Intellectual dissertations, beyond a certain limit, would only lead to confusion and chaos in a province where first-hand experience is necessary to know the truth. Like the exploration of the sky, intellectual exercise can carry us only a short distance. After that, the use of the telescope becomes absolutely necessary for correct knowledge of the position. In the same way, for the study of the inner firmament, a dive into the depths of one’s being is essential to know the reality.”

The Citter Community
Citter’s Community functions within a spiritual, cooperative community as it incorporates spiritual practices, fellowship, and devotion into all facets of life. Immersion within this uplifting environment enables you as a karma yogi to experience deeper levels of soul awakening.
Spiritual communities are a place where people live together in the spirit of cooperation, Brother & Sister Hood in friendship, dedicated towards a common goal. Their actions invite spirituality into all areas of daily life. A Lifestyle and discipline dedicated to hight thinking and practices such as kindness, respect, and simple living.
Citter’s Community functions within a spiritual, cooperative community as it incorporates spiritual practices, fellowship, and devotion into all facets of life. Immersion within this uplifting environment enables you as a karma yogi to experience deeper levels of soul awakening.
The birthplace of a Renaissance!
Tillai, following Tillaivanam then, now present-day Chidambaram was once a Tillai Forest with groves, clusters or forests dominated by a particular variety of a tree and shrub. This forest still grows now nearby at Pichavaram and is one the largest mangrove ecosystems in India today.
This forest was sought out by mystics in the ancient times for their spiritual practice. Citter Tirumular was one. It is here that Tirumular spent his time in experiencing consciousness and his connection with Civa, before attaining his immortality, much before the present day Chidambaram Nataraja Koyil was built.
Within the present day Chidambaram Nataraja Koyil lies His samadi, a Civaling marks His spot and named Aadhimoolanathar.
This is where the ‘Heart’ lies of the Chidambaram Tillai Nataraja Koyil.
Many 1000’s of years later was the Tillai Natarajah Temple built on this site encompassing Aadhimoolanathar.
A major shrine of Civa worship since the classical period, there have been several constructions, renovations and offerings as the temple was built from ancient and pre-medieval periods. The temple as it stands now is mainly of the 12th and 13th centuries, with later additions in similar style. Its bronze statues and stone sculptures depicting various deities and the famous Tillai trees (Excoecaria agallocha) of the surrounding forest that reflect the highpoints of early Chola and Pallava art while its famed gold plated gopuram towers are medieval structural additions by the royals Aditya I, Parantaka Chola I, Kopperunchinga I, Krishnadevaraya and Jatavarman Sundara Pandyan. King Kocengannan Chola was born following prayers his parents offered at the temple and later in his life he refined its structure. The shrine gave the town its name.
Eventually this site became the capital of Cholas in the 10th century, and they renamed it to Chidambaram and built the current temple for their family deity of Nataraja Civa.
The deity that presides here is கூத்தன் - Tillai Koothan (Tillai Nataraja - Civa, The Lord of Dance).
Chidambaram is the birthplace of the sculpture and bronze image representation of Lord Civa as the cosmic dancer, a Tamilian concept and motif in Chola art that has since become notable as a symbol of Hinduism. The shrine is the only Civa temple to have its main deity represented in this anthropomorphic form, as the supreme being who performs all cosmic activities.
The Chidambaram shrine is venerated as one of the three foremost Civa abodes in the world, alongside Koneswaram temple of Trincomalee and Mount Kailash.
Although for the devotees, and from the point of view of myth and doctrine as it is understood today, Civa’s Ananda Tandavam is always and eternally the ‘Dance of Bliss’ in Chidambaram.
The worship of Civa dancing the Cosmic Dance of ‘Creation’ and ‘Transformation’ is as alive today as it was in the long past. It may mean different things to different people.
For the devotee it signifies salvation and release from rebirth. For the physicist it refers to the Quantum dance of particles. The subject fascinates and inspires many; and much remains to be discovered.
the Citter Community

Citter’s Community at Chidambaram is being designed to support spiritual practices and a quality lifestyle, based on the Citter Tradition and its teachings for its residents alike. An environment of love, intelligence, caring and sophistication and yet in simplicity for high thinking. An environment in Nature with deep spiritual fellowship and devotional support on one's journey of life.

Curating a Spiritual Community
A residential spiritual community for people seeking personal authenticity and Self-realization, where the processes of personal inner enquiry and transformation are accelerated through a sacred engaged schedule and life-style of spiritual discipline and focus, based on exploration and awakening through insight of Ancient Citter teachings – Ancient Spiritual Mystics.
A residential spiritual community for people seeking personal authenticity and Self-realization, where the processes of personal inner enquiry and transformation are accelerated through a sacred engaged schedule and life-style of spiritual discipline and focus, based on exploration and awakening through insight of Ancient Citter teachings – Ancient Spiritual Mystics.
Sacred Architecture
Man builds according to the principle of community. Our buildings express who we are, what unites us, and what forms us as a people. In the ancient days villages were designed that proclaimed the truth where people: central to them was the Lord, both theologically and architecturally. It is that sacred building—temple, shrine were the most prominent and proud edifices of the village. In history, this architectural expression of community takes on greater significance. For it has always been the understanding that the visible temple building manifests and expresses the theological temple invisible. The icons, paintings, and statues of gods, goddesses, planets and saints are more than decorations. They remind us that the temple—that is, the human body—is composed of the universe and creation itself.
The word, the body, and community. These are essential in constructing buildings, expressing meaning, and thus building society. Of course, they are also wounded in the fallen world—and in a pronounced way in our culture. They have lost their ability to speak, their power to convey meaning. We suffer what is termed as “crisis of meaning.” In our culture today, both word and body have lost their ability to speak.

Beyond the simple approach of people, as living material creatures, lies a vaster and wider sustaining holistic concept: the cosmic or divine dimension.
People are the embodiment of souls to manifest and realise a spiritual evolution upon earth – to become united consciously with the Divinity within themselves and the Eternal Self and One’s’ self.
Therefore, throughout Mankind’s evolution, men and women have tried to rediscover their divine origins and purpose.
The Ancient Tamil Citters had explanations and a system of management for people to realise for themselves.
To discover themselves, the health & wellness of one’s body and mind are an important factor.
Citter is a platform for all beings to accomplish such a feet.

Chidambaram is an iconic address. One extraordinary experience to the captivating the spiritual expertise and experience of the Ancient Citter Tradition and embrace the unique spirit of the Citter Tradition. Gain privileged insight beyond the familiar, as your life within the Citter teachings ad practices acts as consummate host and all-round expert of the exceptional.
We are a small living-in community restricted to select people only. This is not a commercial venture but a place for an individual to find themselves. Our prices are much higher being a small community to maintain the infrastructure of the community we offer on the property. It is an exclusivity factor – a boutique living standards in one’s spiritual nature.
The Design & Purpose
A residential spiritual community for people seeking personal authenticity and Self-realization, where the processes of personal inner enquiry and transformation are accelerated through a sacred engaged schedule and life-style of spiritual discipline and focus, based on exploration and awakening through insight of Ancient Citter teachings – Ancient Spiritual Mystics.
Have you found your Spiritual Home & Community?
So, what if your soul feels at home somewhere other than where you currently live? This can create a painful paradox!
Senior Living Community?
As you plan for the future, you have a variety of options to choose from when it comes to where to live. If you’ve looked ahead, you already know that senior living communities offer a variety of services and amenities that can enhance your lifestyle. But what is life really like in a spiritual community and it's purpose must be the most important point to consider, and how can you take advantage of living there?
Today seniors will need more than just a place to live during their retirement years. They need purpose, and that purpose is one's spiritual journey. This keeps them fit and healthy to follow the ancient Citter System and it's lifestyle methods. Seniors need more opportunities to stay engaged and surrounded by friends.
The Advantage
Spiritual Connection: “Community” doesn’t only describe a physical place. It’s a state of being in which we are stimulated, inspired, delighted and enriched by our sense of connection to the Supreme in a Spiritual natural surrounding and to the world around us. It’s what truly makes life hum with positive possibilities.
Well-being: When we eat correctly, sleep well, and flex our bodies and our minds, we feel both well and good. The reward for that effort is spiritual vitality.
Security: When we remove stress and fear, we make room for hope and joy. From that transition comes peace of mind.
You have the opportunity to shape your future in purpose, future health and future peace of mind by choosing to live in a community such as ours.
A One of it's kind Spiritual Community dwelling in the Tamil Tradition of the Citters.
All Around Wellbeing is the Focus
Whole-person wellness is the cornerstone of exceptional senior living. The community living and community activities are designed to make meeting your health goals even easier than if you were living at home on your own. While there is no one main road to wellness there are many paths to get there. The lifestyle in the Citter Community to make a purposeful life is your opportunity. We’re here to support you on the way.
What We Are Offering
Warm temperatures, mild weather in the country side within a spiritual environment are just a few reasons why adults are choosing to retire in Chidambaram with us at Citter Community!
Citter Community is a boutique Spiritual community that offers a unique quality of living standards, we offer to a select few. This is a resort-style senior living community designed within a Kurukulam environment where we teach and practice the ancient Citter methods of spiritual practices. Everyone on the property follows this lifestyle.
Independent living gives the residents the freedom to take care of themselves and access
Independent Living
Citter Community is about independent living. Homes are designed for senior living needs with two bedrooms and plenty space to relax and live comfortably among the beautiful gardens and tall trees.
You have the safety and security of community village life and ample opportunity to connect with like-minded people. The close-knit community and onsite management means there’s always someone there who cares.
Homes are oriented to be peacefully private whilst making sure you’re never far from the action or a helping hand.
"It is the best Lifestyle you can ever have, and you have got the support of people around you - if you need it they are there for you - is it not fantastic?"
This Spiritual Place is...
A Place to Belong
A Place to Connect!
A residential spiritual community for people seeking personal authenticity and Self-realization, where the processes of personal inner enquiry and transformation are accelerated through a sacred engaged schedule and life-style of spiritual discipline and focus, based on exploration and awakening through insight of Ancient Citter teachings – Ancient Spiritual Mystics.
Why Join Us?
To Find Purpose & Meaning
"Exploring Spirituality can help people find answers to philosophical questions they have, such as 'What is the meaning of life?' and 'What purpose does my life serve?' "
To Restore Hope & Optimism
"Spiritual experiences can be helpful when coping with life.
Spirituality can help people develop a more meaningful outlook on life and it's purpose. Spirituality focuses on a personal journey!"
To Find a Sense of Community & Support
"Involvement with a Spiritual Community demonstrates that there are tangible and lasting benefits linked to maintaining greater levels of Physical & Spiritual Health."
Important Questions
I am new to the Citter teachings and haven’t taken an initiation yet. Can I still begin the process of joining the Citter Community?
Joining the Citter Community is not merely a change of address. It will very likely be a complete change of lifestyle for you, and requires a sincere commitment to Citter teachings and it's spiritual path.
Who can join?
Traditional social system in the sub-continent has argued that life presents us with natural stages of progression: one begins one’s life as a student, then moves into the life of a householder (with a family and profession), and in one’s later years, pulls away from worldly desires and begins a process of gradual renunciation. . In other words, renunciation becomes a kind of ultimate retirement plan. The argument is based on the understanding that, while worldly life might have its appeal for the young, as one grows older this appeal fades and one begins to look elsewhere for inspiration. A life of renunciation is therefore not supposed to be a dramatic cutting away of one’s past life in exchange for a radical new one, but is often understood as a natural—perhaps even inevitable—reorientation.
The problem, however, is that turning toward the spiritual life in one’s later years may not be as easy as it sounds. Although there may be something natural about changing direction in this way.
The spiritual life is not merely about wearing sandals and flowing clothes. It requires—at least for most of us—a rigorous discipline of study, concentration, and practice. We each have our own spiritual capacity, but most spiritual traditions agree that these capacities require fine-tuning if they are to lead you anywhere.
Retirement planning looms, more consideration must be granted to the spiritual life than before. If you hope to be able to face the closing years of life with some honesty, if you have a chance at facing illness, old age, and isolation (never mind death), you must begin the work before the flames engulf you. The day will come when there will be fewer people to see and fewer things for you to do. You will face the beginnings of stillness then and will want to know that you will be able to do so with at least some measure of ease.
To join our community, we are seeking people who are turning towards spiritual life and are ready to follow the Ancient Citter System, Tradition and Teachings to set you going on your very own spiritual journey. The community is your support factor, but you are an individual. No to people can be the same and therefore the journey is yours and yours alone.
We are looking at highly placed individuals with a great deal of experience who will be expected to contribute their time in the development of the Citter System of communities’ world over following the vision and goal set to achieve.
Only committed, dedicated people will be invited to join in. Conditions are that you are retired and have time to work your journey with us. Anyone above 45 years who are ready to retire or have retired are welcome to apply.
How do I join your Spiritual Community and become part of it?
Contact us with your credentials and introduce yourself first. Give us your background, your experiences, expertise and what have you achieved. Let us know about your spiritual interest and what you are seeking. Based on this information the 'Committee' will take a decision on pursuing your interest further and will inform you of their intensions by mail for you to feel comfortable to move forward.