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Tyoga Teaching

The is no Knowledge without a Teacher

A real Teacher is one who is born from time to time as a repository of spiritual force which he or she transmits to future generations through successive links of Guru and Shishya (disciple).

In the teacher we must first see that he knows the secret of the scriptures. The teacher must be able to know the spirit of the scriptures, for the network of words is like a huge forest in which the human mind loses itself and finds no way out. You will find that no one of the great teachers of the world went into these various explanations of texts; on their part there is no attempt at “text-torturing."  Some power, real and tangible, goes out from the teacher and begins to grow in the mind of the taught. Therefore when spiritual forces are transmitted from the teacher to the taught, the necessary condition is that the teacher must be true and the medium is pure love. There is no other medium that can convey them. 


The yogic tradition and teachings throughout the ages has been for the purpose of an individual experiencing a spiritual, peaceful, creative and harmonious life for one’s self and to overcome suffering and imbalance in life due to one’s karmic journey and set things right – clean the slate!

Today, yoga is a global, but what is understood of the purpose, aim, principles and focus of yoga in the classical and traditional system has been lost!

At the Tyoga Kurukulam we teach yoga from its roots.

Yoga can be divided into three distinct periods: an early period, Civa’s time; a middle period, the time of Patanjali and others; and the present period of yoga.

Ancient Citters are immortals. Civa as the first Citter – the ‘Adiguru’ gave mankind yoga. This is Civa's period. These teachings continued through Muruga and thereafter propagated by others down the line of which Citter Tirumular was one. This is a yoga of Tantra.

The middle period is the period of Sage Patanjali, who is the reference point for today’s yoga practices. The original yogas from the early period were reclassified and renamed as raja yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga, hatha yoga, kriya yoga, and kundalini yoga by this second group of masters. These rishis and sages also wrote the classical texts and books which are referred to today. Patanjali wrote his Yoga Sutras, a thesis on raja yoga and mind management; Swatmarama developed and propagated the practices of hatha yoga for balancing the lunar and solar forces to promote health and well-being in the text Hatha Yoga Pradipika; Narada and Shandiliya developed the practice and principles of bhakti yoga for emotional management. A total of twenty-two Yoga Upanishads were written in this period by twenty-two different authors, thinkers and seers. They blended the vedic and upanishadic philosophy and the structures of tantra with the yogic system and philosophy.

The late period is the present age, beginning from the nineteenth century, when yoga was brought to the west. One of the first to integrate and talk about the tradition in a language that society could understand was Swami Vivekananda. Another tradition that emerged was associated with a remote Himalayan yogi called Babaji, whose followers included Sri Yukteshwar, Lahiri Mahashaya and Paramahamsa Yogananda. Their contemporaries included Ramana Maharshi who followed the paths of jnana yoga and bhakti yoga respectively. Finally, yoga of Swami Sivananda Saraswathy who explored other forms of classical yogas and to develop a system of yoga to integrate the faculties of head, heart and hands and awaken the self, and a hatha yoga tradition base improvised, that evolved from Mysore revived by Krishnamacharya.

Yoga Must Become a Part of Your Life

Yoga must become part of life. Only then can the process of transformation take place in deeper and more profound ways. The individual nature is gradually refined and purified, allowing a more natural, harmonious and creative expression in life. From a base of growing self-awareness and understanding, one becomes more attuned to the flow of life. Through the living of yoga, moment to moment, a new cycle of positive transformation begins for one’s self.


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Dedicated to Human Progress & Wellbeing

Citter  System  is a long-established Healthy Living ‘LifeStyle’ not known to many outside the ancient Tamil Culture. It is now creating a hum in the Global World for Nature Based Health & Wellness Care and a ‘Feel Alive’ LifeStyle it propergates in the 21st century. We are building a steady reputation based on the results we give people as we take our work globally.    

Life is Short NOT to be Neglected & Lost…       Join us in its purpose.

We’re driving measurable progress towards sustainable and inclusive growth in the societies where we operate as Citter. It is making an impact through our health & wellness care activities, insights, actions and giving. love to share our expertise, experiences, knowledge, practices, to  serve you better in your life's journey enriching your life. It is our Karma Yoga!

Citter Mission

Citter is an ancient lineage. It is a research lineage that was founded on a bedrock of societal purpose. Today's Citter Mission is to contribute this ancient knowledge, practices to the world by providing firstly nature-based health & wellness care for body, mind & spirit and secondly in education, educating students in life sciences based on the ancient practices of yoga to bring about a fulfilling complete life to an individual. Thirdly to bring  leading pioneering research for effective clinical therapies; and accelerating solutions and amplifying their impact.

Tyoga Kurukulam

TYOGA is home to the Ancient Traditions of Yoga, Kundalini and Meditation. Tyoga, an innovative, educational platform is enabling Yoga teachers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to study in-depth with world-leading scholars in the field of yoga, kundalini and meditation studies from Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, South India.
We offer study programmes, and professional development opportunities that allow students to experience the wealth of knowledge on offer at Tyoga in new and accessible ways.

Our Themes 

  • Book Pranayama & Kundalini Awakening 21 Day Residential Course (Once Every Month)

  • Book  your  Citter Yoga Master & Citter Therapy Profession Course  Residential  -  a Global Profession for you.


for Tyoga Kurukulam 

Number          +91 908 708 2345

WhatsApp     +91 908 773 2345


Why Choose Us?

We are Followers & Practitioners of a very Ancient Culture & Tradition that can Give YOU a Better Quality of Life as it Gives Us. We Love to Share This With YOU.

Join Us in the Journey and be a Part of It.

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Citter Health & Wellness Care Kurukulam

CITTER is home to the Ancient Traditions of Health & Wellness Care as a Way of Life that is Natural and Nature based. The Care System uses Nature for all it's needs to stay healthy in Body & Mind within a Lifestyle Management System. We offer Nature Based Care based out of our Kurukulam for those who have health related issues that we can provide care for in the ancient ways that has been used and still followed today in Tamil Nadu. 

Our Themes 

  • Book  Health & Wellness Care 

  • Book Your De-toxification Wellness Care

  • Book Your Nature Based Fertility Care - For those who have a fertility issue to bare children


for Citter Health & Wellness Care Services

Number          +91 908 775 2345

WhatsApp     +91 908 775 2345


Join OUR Research

Our research initiative in natural remedies for health & wellness care within nature and the Ancient Citter System, it’s practices and in Yoga, aims to bring together arts and humanities researchers globally, to work with us to help develop our goal “Dedicated to Human Progress & Wellbeing” for bettering people’s lives.



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Citter Wellness Innovations Private Limited

 CIN: U85100TZ2021PTC037117

A  Citter  Global  Company

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