About Us

We’re Changing the Way the World Thinks About Yoga
Not many are deeply aware or even familiar with the Tamil Ancient Tradition of the Citters and it's cryptically written sacred verses given to man!
CITTERS, the ever-present Immortal Masters, are known and cherished by only a few who know of them. This tradition thrives on, since over 15,000 years if not more and continues to flourish hidden away from the averted eyes of the world.
TYOGA shares the wisdom, emanating from this unique age-old sacred Tradition and Teachings of the Ancient Tamil Citters, in today's post modern word with seekers.

Our Story
Tyoga is about Unveiling an ancient Legacy and to bring expertise and teachings in yoga to the world.
Our system, with its focus on holistic development, intellectual pursuits, and moral values, created a strong foundation for personal growth, societal harmony, and the pursuit of knowledge. We lay the groundwork for intellectual achievements and cultural heritage that continue to influence the individual student. The guidance provided helps students create a life of their own and sustain themselves.
TYOGA is centered on as a primary objective for the student in Holistic Development, Personality growth, Spiritual Awakening, Awareness about nature and society and on the right passing on of knowledge and culture of the yogic tradition through generations.
The curriculum is practised by included memorization, recitation, and analysis of texts. Students learned through a question-and-answer format, engaging in debates and discussions to deepen their understanding. Practical skills, are imparted.
Students are guided in their learning but are given autonomy over what and how they learn. The irony of mainstream educational philosophy is that it strips students of their natural intellectual curiosity. They are kept within the confines of the curriculum delivered and, students are paying dearly for that as studies show that students at virtually all levels lack critical thinking and problem-solving skills; abilities most desperately needed today in life and in the journey of yoga.

It is all about hands on(kinesthetic) learning experience, then in thinking back over the lessons, as you stored more hands-on experiences in your long-term memory than you did in lectures or reading textbooks. This is because hands-on experience uses more of your senses, giving you multiple opportunities to make the information meaningful enough to store it for life. The process of learning this way takes place through action. The brain is stimulated in multiple areas through practical learning experiences while encouraged to learn through exploration. Hands-on learning develops thinking skills. The senses are engaged through physical participation in learning. Hands-on learning promotes fine motor skills and allows one to learn through one’s mistakes. It provides real opportunities for the student to experiment and learn.
All sensory information is a massive, constantly changing puzzle for the brain to solve. The objects you see, the sounds you hear, the odors you smell, the touches you feel, the flavors you taste, and the interoceptive sensations you experience as aches and pains … they all involve continuous sensory signals that are highly variable and ambiguous as they reach the brain.

Our Yoga Masters
Our Current Offers in Yogic Teaching & Training
Pranayama & Kundalani Awakening 21 Day Course