Citter Wellness Innovations
Private Limited
“The future of humanity and of our planet lies in our hands. It lies also in the hands of today’s younger generation who will pass the torch to future generations. We have mapped the road to sustainable development; it will be for all of us to ensure that the journey is successful and its gains irreversible.”
Citter Wellness Innovations
“Cittar Wellness Innovations is in the business as innovators. We like to do things differently with meaning especially when it concerns human beings, nature and future for one and all irrespective of caste, religion, gender and any other barriers ma has put into place. We are all one family – simply just human being in this world to do good things.”
Citter Traditional Knowledge Systems (CTKS): “The point is to open up people’s minds to other ways of looking and questioning, to change knowledge attitudes, to reframe the organisation of science — to formulate a way of thinking globally about traditions, it’s practices and how it can help us live better healthier fulfilling lives.”
Our Outlook
Modern science perhaps dates to Newton’s times. But Traditional Knowledge Systems (TKS) date since more than 2 million years if not more, when Homo habilis started making his tools and interacting with nature. Since the dawn of history, different peoples have contributed to different branches of science and technology.
The ancient lands of the Tamils, had their early scientists know as ‘Citters’ a Tamil word given to masters who were mystics who pondered the existence of life and its meaning. Through their experiments and practices of the cosmos and nature itself, they came with knowledge and expertise leading to practices to bring about good health & wellness to an individual as they believed that the body is a temple and needs to be cared for, so that one can continue his journey healthily to achieve such things each individual person desired.
Thus the Citter tradition and system came into being, giving such knowledge and expertise that can be used now in the 21st century to keep healthy in body and mind.
Ancient Citters had mastery over life and are considered immortals. They came up with techniques and practices that had established their science, based on nature and their insight to the cosmos. This vast knowledge and significant contributions given by them have been ignored.
Citter Wellness Innovations has taken up research to identify and produce products that can help people have a better quality of life that is and has been effecting them due to lifestyle diseases and practices that harm the body and mind, bring upon medical attention.
We have 5 verticals that we are working in. They are
1.The Citter Clinic
3.Citter Agro
4.Citter Koyil
5.N A N B A N our Social Programme & Activity.
'The Citter Clinic' has been set up to treat people who are suffering from
1.Diabetic Care
2.Rheumatism & Arthritis Care which includes Knee Osteoarthritis
3.Neuro Care, a nerve heath rejuvenating product
4.Cardiovascular Care
We have other products in the making and are currently being tested.
'Tyoga' is a school of yogic science with skilling and training in Nature based Therapies & Treatments give by Citters for Health & Wellness naturally for human beings.
'Citter Agro' is our agricultural activity. Our focus is on medicinal plants and plant-based nutrient growing. We also work on different herbal plants for the use as dietary food supplements that are made in the traditional way - not out of a factory but from a rural setting where women and youth are skilled to deliver in the ancient system in completing our products.
'Citter Koyil' is an ancient Spiritual practice where people will develop skills to journey in their life. This is a higher journey to accomplish.
'N A N B A N' is our social work in working with poor small holding farmers to grow agricultural produce with us supporting their work and providing support in building their economic growth in turn a rural transformation, to bring them out of poverty and malnutrition, as over 40% of youngsters receive less food than they should, and almost a third of Indians are thought to be malnourished. India is the home to almost one-third of all the world’s stunted children and half the world’s wasted children. This is a grave concern amongst other issues faced by rural India.
Our Business is being structured on the bases of ‘Circular Nature Economy & Circular Economy to bring benefits for different people associated with Citter directly or indirectly.
The Time Has Come NOW
It is time to transform, and therefore Cittar Wellness Innovations has set itself to take up this cause and make it into a reality, to simply create true value on the decisive journey of our generation now and for the future generations not to live on our mistakes but for a truly sustainable future, for we are responsible to what we do to our planet and its future.