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WHY Citter Pilgrimage

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"Hunting for GOD is the Greatest Adventure and the ‘Greatest Treasure Hunt’ of all Time. 

The game and its rules are simple. There are NO rules, NO winners, NO losers, NO time limit and NO starting point.”

The common thread is the unquenchable thirst to know, to seek and realize the Almighty.

Whatever your age is, whatever your inclinations be, whether you take the pilgrim together as a family, as a group of friends, as a couple or alone, it is beneficial to all.

Citter Spiritual Journey  is a sacred journey that’s undertaken by one.  It is an oasis for the spiritual thirst of the (wandering) soul/along its journey in life.

Ancient Tamil Seers known as 'Citters' amongst Tamils have transcended the material planes and bonds of Karma; they have overcome psychological and physical barriers through pure devotion to lord Paramacivan, who caused the light of knowledge to bloom in their consciousness. They have been the ancient guiding light in Tamil Nadu.

Citter Spiritual  Pilgrimage is taking you into an insight of ancient religious practices and culture, visiting various temples and religious places with its age old history and mysticism.


To walk the path of Seers & Sages through time completing a pilgrimage!

Citter Koyil

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Dedicated to Human Progress & Wellbeing

Citter Pilgrimage will nourish your body, mind and soul.

Tamil Nadu has the longest unbroken Temple tradition today.

Citter Journey  offers an extraordinary pilgrimage to the most ancient and fascinating Temples, that you could ever experience.

Our carefully designed programmes, takes you on a string of ‘sacred shrines’ and captivates your ‘soul' where the practices and rituals remain pristine since time immemorial. The devotee enters into this energy field, which is created and continually charged, by the daily rituals.

Experience the timelessness!

Lets Connect...

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South India perhaps has the longest unbroken tradition in religious practices. It has not only a stream of dedicated practitioners but also textual and theoretical backing.

It is an advanced form of traditional practice for both the human spirit and the human body.

Koyils - Temples are unique and special to Tamil Nadu. The rituals and practices observed here are very different from the rest of India.

These practices have remained unchanged and unbroken since the time of its consecration.

The Deity in each Temple represents a particular aspect of Divinity and the Mantras and rituals offered to each Deity is specific to that Deity alone.

 As such, the energy and the type of vibration emanating from the `Deities’, will be different and serve different purposes.

The daily rituals continually charge the energy of the Temple.

Upon crossing the threshold of the Temple one enters into this Divine Energy field.

The individual`s energy body and chakras receive and absorb the divine power and energy emitted by the Deity.

One practically takes a `bath` in the energy of the deity. This will not only cleanse the energy body and the aura but also imparts the vibration of the Deity to the chakras. These vibrations can expel disease and can change the aura with positive Divine energy when visiting and being in these Temples.

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Power in Koyils (temples)

“Temples are symbols of the oneness of the ‘Universal Self’ and the individual ‘Self.’


Till a few years ago, many people believed that with further progress of scientific knowledge, the Hindu temples would once for all be proved as towering symbols of ancient superstition.

But, along with the closing phase of the twentieth century, an era of momentous scientific advances, there has been a resurgence of awareness about the efficacy of temple worship, and we see even many scientists joining the ranks of those who go to temples and worship the idols.

What is the cause of this apparently ‘irrational’ trend?

Today’s science is more matured than in the past. Scientists however see that with each new discovery, the mystery of the universe is further deepening.

They are aware that their enquiries are slow taking them to the shores of an unexplored ocean that lay far beyond their materialistic vision – the Ocean of Consciousness.

The stalwarts of modern psychology, such as Carl Gustav Jung and others, view with awe and admiration the profundity of the ancient yogic knowledge  about man’s inner being.

Power in Koyils (temples)

"A Temple represents the human body and man’s subtler dimensions. While praying in a temple, we are on an effort to attune ourselves with our all-powerful spiritual dimensions and the special spiritual field there that helps this effort."


When we analyse carefully we can see how well the indvidualising factors are incorporated in the construction of a Hindu temple and the installation of the idol.

The whole temple complex is conceived as the body of the deity, and the circumambulatory path outside the sanctum sanctorum is the face, the open hall in front where the holy verses are recited is the neck. The wall surrounding these inner structures are considered to be the hands of the deity. The outer circumambulatory path beyond this is the stomach, the outer walls of the whole temple complex are the legs and the temple edifice is the feet of the deity.

It is significant that in the texts of the technology of the temple construction, the various parts of the structure are refered to by the names signifying the parts of the human body.

The idol in its essence represents the central inner Reality – Isvra. The outer form is the special aspect of Isvara functioning as the deity. The sanctum sanctorum, the inner circumambulatory passage together represents the ‘Garbam’ – the universal divine substratum with creative will and potential. The outer wall along with the edifice symbolizes ‘Virat’ – the manifested universe.

What we offer...

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What impels us to go on a pilgrimage, even when we know that the outer journey is only an analogue of the more important journey through strange psychological realms that we must undertake, to come to terms with ourselves. For the devout, pilgrimages begin in faith. What the pilgrimage does, perhaps, is to slip into your bloodstream an awareness of possibilities that you could never find in the crusted beehive of words. On the pilgrimage, you test yourself and are subtly transformed in the testing. You risk the 'self' you were before you started; move closer to a light that destroys even as it regenerates.


The pilgrimage is a ‘Tirtam’ (blessing).

We offer short Pilgrimages within 100kms of Chidambaram. Choice of Temples to travel will be made based on what the pilgrim would like to do based on our advice. 

Our programme caters to a group travel of a minimum or 12 pilgrims at anyone time. 

Please mail us for our advice on your pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu. There are many important unspoken temples one must visit due to its historical significance and importance irrespective of the size of the temple, but more for it's importance to be there as a pilgrim.

Please mail us at '' for our assistance on your pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu.



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Dedicated to Human Progress & Wellbeing

Citter  System  is a long-established Healthy Living ‘LifeStyle’ not known to many outside the ancient Tamil Culture. It is now creating a hum in the Global World for Nature Based Health & Wellness Care and a ‘Feel Alive’ LifeStyle it propergates in the 21st century. We are building a steady reputation based on the results we give people as we take our work globally.    

Life is Short NOT to be Neglected & Lost…       Join us in its purpose.

We’re driving measurable progress towards sustainable and inclusive growth in the societies where we operate as Citter. It is making an impact through our health & wellness care activities, insights, actions and giving. love to share our expertise, experiences, knowledge, practices, to  serve you better in your life's journey enriching your life. It is our Karma Yoga!

Citter Mission

Citter is an ancient lineage. It is a research lineage that was founded on a bedrock of societal purpose. Today's Citter Mission is to contribute this ancient knowledge, practices to the world by providing firstly nature-based health & wellness care for body, mind & spirit and secondly in education, educating students in life sciences based on the ancient practices of yoga to bring about a fulfilling complete life to an individual. Thirdly to bring  leading pioneering research for effective clinical therapies; and accelerating solutions and amplifying their impact.

Tyoga Kurukulam

TYOGA is home to the Ancient Traditions of Yoga, Kundalini and Meditation. Tyoga, an innovative, educational platform is enabling Yoga teachers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to study in-depth with world-leading scholars in the field of yoga, kundalini and meditation studies from Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, South India.
We offer study programmes, and professional development opportunities that allow students to experience the wealth of knowledge on offer at Tyoga in new and accessible ways.

Our Themes 

  • Book Pranayama & Kundalini Awakening 21 Day Residential Course (Once Every Month)

  • Book  your  Citter Yoga Master & Citter Therapy Profession Course  Residential  -  a Global Profession for you.


for Tyoga Kurukulam 

Number          +91 908 708 2345

WhatsApp     +91 908 773 2345


Why Choose Us?

We are Followers & Practitioners of a very Ancient Culture & Tradition that can Give YOU a Better Quality of Life as it Gives Us. We Love to Share This With YOU.

Join Us in the Journey and be a Part of It.

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Chidambaram Koyil Citter Wellness Innovations

Citter Health & Wellness Care Kurukulam

CITTER is home to the Ancient Traditions of Health & Wellness Care as a Way of Life that is Natural and Nature based. The Care System uses Nature for all it's needs to stay healthy in Body & Mind within a Lifestyle Management System. We offer Nature Based Care based out of our Kurukulam for those who have health related issues that we can provide care for in the ancient ways that has been used and still followed today in Tamil Nadu. 

Our Themes 

  • Book  Health & Wellness Care 

  • Book Your De-toxification Wellness Care

  • Book Your Nature Based Fertility Care - For those who have a fertility issue to bare children


for Citter Health & Wellness Care Services

Number          +91 908 775 2345

WhatsApp     +91 908 775 2345


Join OUR Research

Our research initiative in natural remedies for health & wellness care within nature and the Ancient Citter System, it’s practices and in Yoga, aims to bring together arts and humanities researchers globally, to work with us to help develop our goal “Dedicated to Human Progress & Wellbeing” for bettering people’s lives.



Citter Terms & Conditions

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Countries we are working in & with

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Citter Wellness Innovations Private Limited

 CIN: U85100TZ2021PTC037117

A  Citter  Global  Company

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