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Citter Yogam, Citter Therapy Professional Course

A 3 Year, 1 + 1 + 1 Professional Master Course Residential,

to develop an individual into a profession as a Master & a Therapist - a two-in-one structured course to develop the individual into a powerful practitioner who will have the ability to bring holistic care to people.

A  Skilling, Training, Practicing Knowledge based course that brings expertise as a profession to perform.

What Life Will Be Like For YOU?

Many liberated beings have said that everything was their teacher; to begin with life itself, meaning that they saw the ‘One’ in all things manifesting as the universe which embodied the wisdom of Spirit. The ability to learn from life itself is necessary as we ascend in levels of consciousness. Further, the Self-realized ‘self’ understands that God is the only Guru, teaching us by means of His creation.


Your Journey

As  you complete your 3 year course and practice at Tyoga Kurukulam, and come into the real world, your journey in Citter Yogam will be an extraordinary journey being a young master who has not only transformed his or her life,  but will have also made a profound impact on numerous individuals through the teachings of the Citters.

You will fearlessly follow your inner calling and embarked on a transformative journey from a successful professional to an inspiring Citter Yogam Master. You as a remarkable individual dedicated to alleviating the sufferings of others through the power of Citter Yogam & Therapy.  This selfless lifestyle, efforts and expertise will enable you to touch and positively influence countless lives.

Throughout your life your teachings and practices of Citter Yogam in its traditional and distinct way, a unique way many people who will come to know about through you, because of your distinctive style of teaching and providing therapy, you will quickly start to gain recognition and that recognition will spread where ever you will go throughout your life.

Few people have influenced yoga in the West. You can be one of them!

You will mould the way Citter Yogam & Therapy will be experienced.

You will influence how Citter Yogam of the Future will be by the simple understanding people will have that benefits them in many ways.

As the next generation of masters, you will set the standard of what yogam is truly about in the western world and will change the perception of yogic practices throughout the world.

As a Citter therapist, you will have the opportunity to work with doctors complementing their work and so to at any holistic therapy centre and hospitals or your choice.

Finally, to build your own Citter Yogam Centre. A place people can approach you.

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